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1/5/2020 - 1/26/2020

In This Series

Hear Your Breakthrough, Breakthrough Pt 2

Bill Wright - 1/13/2020

Step two in the breakthrough series, listening to God and obeying for breakthrough.

Main Topic:Breakthrough

Sub Topic:Prayer, hearing from God, Holy Spirit

Scripture:Psalm 77:2, Numbers 11:24-19, Acts 2:17-18, John 1:33, Luke 5:16, 2 Sam 6:14-15, Ps 119:147, Acts 20:22, Job 32:18-19, Ps 45:1, 1 Chron 28:19, Hab 2:2, Gen 3:8-10

Downloads & Resources

Fighting for My Breakthrough, Breakthrough Pt 4

Bill Wright - 1/27/2020

Main Topic:Breakthrough

Sub Topic:Big specific prayer, prevailing prayer

Scripture:Exodus 17, Ephesians 3, Psalm 77:2

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